Coaches & Managers

Team Contact Registration and Nomination Information

Gladesville Sharks FC are accepting registrations for team contacts (coaches and managers) and team nominations for Youth and Senior teams for the Winter 2025 season.

Season Fees for 2025

Season fees for all team contacts – coaches and managers – are $0.

PlayFootball Registration Information

As we compete in a competition associated with Football Australia (FA), Football NSW (FNSW), and North West Sydney Football (NWSF), all registrations are required to be made through the PlayFootball registration management system.

Club Contact Details

For any questions regarding registering as a returning or new team contact (coach or manager) for a team at the Club, please contact our registrar (Tracey Fong) directly:

Phone: 1300 24 11 24 (option 1)

For any questions regarding the winter football competition not pertaining to registration, please contact our winter football director (Declan O’Connor) directly:

Phone: 1300 24 11 24 (option 2)

Key Registration Dates

Preseason Event or Deadline Date & Time (if applicable)
Registrations open January 2nd, 12:00am
Deadline for team nominations to registrar February 23rd, 5:00pm
Deadline for minimum player registrations February 23rd, 5:00pm
NWSF release final gradings ~ March 12th
GSFC Coaches & Manager Meeting TBC
GSFC Clubhouse Open Day TBC
NWSF release fixtures (round 1) ~ March 24th
NWSF release fixtures (round 2-5) ~ March 28th
Deadline for player registrations (round 1) April 3rd, 11:59pm
Round 1 fixtures commence (Masters competitions) April 4th, 6:00pm (Friday)
April 5th, 8:00am (Saturday)
April 6th, 8:00am (Sunday)
Deadline for player registrations (rounds 2+) The Thursday immediately before the weekend, 11:59pm
Deadline for player registrations (season) June 26th, 11:59pm

Team Contact Registration Requirements

In 2025, all registrations must be processed through the new version of PlayFootball. Returning team contacts can log in using their previous account details, but you may need to sync your previous records if they don’t merge automatically.

Football ID Requirement

All registrants must upload a new football ID photo this season, which will be used in PlayFootball and Dribl. Ensure the photo accurately represents the registrant. By registering, you acknowledge that any significant inaccuracies between the photo and your appearance may result in your player ID being questioned, and individuals will be held accountable.

Working with Children Check (WWCC) for Coaches and Managers

For youth teams (U05–U18), all coaches and managers must provide a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC). The Club accepts volunteer (free) certificates only and will not reimburse those obtaining a paid certificate.

  • WWCC Submission: Upload your WWCC certificate or a screenshot (showing your WWCC number, name, and expiry date) to your PlayFootball account during or after registration (per NWSF advice).
  • Verification: The Club is required to verify WWCC details, so please ensure accuracy.

Note: Coaches and managers of senior teams (AA, Oxx, Masters) are not required to provide a WWCC unless they are also associated with a youth team.


Gladesville Sharks FC continues to honour its Team Contact Incentivisation (TCI) Program to recognise the valuable contributions of volunteer managers and coaches. The program will operate throughout the season in accordance with the Club’s By-Laws.

  • Rebate Details: A rebate equal to the value of one registration fee will be directly transferred to the nominated bank account of one team contact per team.
  • Optional Donation: Team contacts may choose to decline the rebate, in which case it will be considered a donation to the Club.

The TCI Program is a small gesture of appreciation for the significant time and effort our volunteers dedicate each year. For more information, please contact the registrar.

Team Contact Pre-Season Information Collection

For the 2025 season, all returning and new teams (via their team contacts) will be provided access to a dedicated Google Sheets spreadsheet to submit team information to the Club. This spreadsheet can be accessed via desktop or mobile, with or without a Google account, or through the Google Sheets app (Android/iOS).

How the System Works
  • Centralised Management: All team spreadsheets feed into master spreadsheets, enabling Committee members (Registrar, Kit, Coaching) to efficiently access and manage each team’s requirements.
  • Field Colour Coding:
    • Green Fields: Must be completed. If not applicable, select “Not Needed” from the dropdown options.
    • Yellow Fields: Optional, to be filled in if required. Blank fields will be assumed as not needed.
  • Flexibility: Team contacts can add or adjust information up until the due dates, ensuring accuracy and reducing the risk of missed details.

Required Information

The following details must be submitted via the spreadsheet:

  • Team Contact Details:
    • Minimum of 2 coaches/managers for youth teams
    • Minimum of 3 coaches/managers for senior teams
      (Note: This increase addresses previous issues where the main contact was unavailable during the season.)
  • Expected Player Details: Names of both returning and new players expected to register.
  • Player Jersey & Kit Requirements: Sizes of jerseys, shorts, and socks for each player. (For teams with existing jerseys, only request additional items where needed.)
  • Team Equipment Needs: Balls, cones, and training bibs (if required).
  • Preseason Match Preferences: Trial match preferences, if applicable.
  • Season Training Preferences: Day, time, duration, and field size requirements for training allocations.

Why This System?

This new approach provides a centralised and streamlined process for managing team information, addressing past challenges with scattered and delayed submissions. It allows:

  • Regular updates or adjustments by team contacts.
  • Accurate tracking by the Committee to ensure nothing is overlooked.

This system ensures everyone’s needs are addressed efficiently and the season runs smoothly. Please complete all required fields by the specified deadlines.

For questions or assistance, contact the relevant Committee member.